Steve was born in Franklin, Indiana on December 5, 1944. After LHS he graduated from Nashville Diesel Collage and Dallas Community College and was the owner of Southwest Diesel Repair. People said that he was a man of few words and that he loved his family and friends very much! He is survived by his wife, Ruth Rowand Clark; his Mom, Martha Clark; a sister, Kathy Clark plus three daughters, Terri, Melissa and Alicia and two sons, Stephen, Jr. & Brian. Steve also had a total of eighteen grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Steve died on October 14, 2015 in Lakeland, FL.
Doug Martin
I grew up with steve, just lived a few blocks away. seems we were always in some sort of trouble. we used to camp out in his back yard and sneak down to the girls slumber party, cant remember all the names. I also remember his baby blue 1953 chev, he was really proud of that car. really gona miss him.