Arnold Signer
Arnie Signer
i just looked at the pages listing those in our class who are either missing and we're unable to contact, or, more distressing, the pages of our classmates whom we know are deceased. If memory serves me correctly, we graduated just over 400 so I think our surviving number is becoming fairly low.
Since Susan and I moved to the Orlando area almost six years ago, it's been possible for me to get into Lakeland on a Saturday morning to attend the luncheons. I honestly believe that I enjoy the lunch gatherings more than I liked high school!
I want to thank Bill Russell, Bobby Harter and others, along with their spouses, who, not only arrange our luncheons, but also maintain the website and newsletters, and slave over our reunions.
I would urge those who live within easy driving range who don't come to the lunches, try to join us periodically. I believe you'll enjoy it.