Tom was a sweet, sweet, person, quiet and reserved. We went to First Baptist Church where we were involved in almost all functions. One never knew what he was thinking.
I first met Tom at Lake Morton Elementary School and he was a real nice guy. Tom never really excelled at anything and by high school it was obvious he had become very stressed out about life. He needed a friend - just someone who would spend a little time with him now and then. I regret not filling that role more fully.
Barbara Harrison (Hurst)
Tom was a sweet, sweet, person, quiet and reserved. We went to First Baptist Church where we were involved in almost all functions. One never knew what he was thinking.
Michael Durhan
I first met Tom at Lake Morton Elementary School and he was a real nice guy. Tom never really excelled at anything and by high school it was obvious he had become very stressed out about life. He needed a friend - just someone who would spend a little time with him now and then. I regret not filling that role more fully.