Joe Lancaster

Joe's Latest Interactions
Posted on: Jul 02, 2024 at 4:33 AM
Posted on: Jul 02, 2022 at 4:33 AM
Happy Birthday Joe!
Posted on: Jul 02, 2021 at 4:33 AM
What has been said about Judy prior to my comments are true as can be. I have memories of when I was selected be Sports Editor of the Bagpipe, Jody came up to me and said "since you, Crawford, and Ford are playing football, I WILL cover basketball!"...Yes, sir. I learned later that that coverage included he could travel with the team; therfore, getting at least two free meals on each travel trip---must have been a great meal on the way to Winter Haven. Another instance occurred when we were about to graduate, the Goddard twins invited us over to USF for a visit when each of their roommates went home for the weekend and we could each get a free bunk. Soon after we got there Jody discovered he forgot his wallet............should have known because he got me again when he forgot it on a Bagpipe field trip to Tampa mid-year. What a guy and he really got me the last year when he called his buddy Joe L. a couple of times a week---always after 11 at night. He was my friend, especially the past two years when he was so sick. Craven and I would get with him during or get-togethers to discuss his care, etc. A unique Dreadnaught and one I will never forget and I will miss that old boy and our conversations in to the wee hours. Jody, enjoy the journey you have begun and God bless your family at this time.
Posted on: Jul 02, 2019 at 4:34 AM
Posted on: Feb 16, 2019 at 9:28 AM
Happy Birthday to you in warmer Charlotte...................
After reading the obituary of my teammate I realizied that there was so much we miss until the time of passing. I have been corresponding with ol' number 83 and reliving many of the things we faced as teammates. Three years of varsity football challenges the best that can be drawn out of us old Dreadnaugts. One thing I do know is-- Hutch put up the good fight, lived a great life, has a great family and I will cherish forever the challenges we had through the mail of those youthful days in which we competed and walked the halls of our Lakeland Senior High.
Happy Birthday Joe! I want to thank you for all you do for our class get togethers! Good job! Have a wonderful birthday!
Posted on: May 03, 2018 at 9:28 AM
Good to have you on board, James. Looking forward to seeing you at our get togethers and hope to renew memories at the coming Reunion. Joe L.
Posted on: Jul 02, 2017 at 4:33 AM
Football players tended to not trust those tall basketball players that wore those short silky shorts, but Tommy Rogers represented LHS with class and talent. Tommy was a buddy like that other Tommy (as in Ford). I will truly miss both of these buddies! When gas was cheap at Tony Gengler's dad's station, we would argue to see who would drive on our double dates. Great times, great memories. Tommy, you represented your country and I look forward to honoring you Friday with a final salute. God's blessings to your family and loved ones.
Joe L.